Friday 1 November 2019

The Door

          This week we are writing a scary story this is mine    The door?

Thomas was a millionaire but he didn't expect this in his backyard.

 Thomas invented the light bulb he got rich he had millions of dollars. One day he was buying a new house (mansion) as the real estate agent was showing him the house, he felt a cold chill as he  saw a door in the yard. He asked what it was the realtor said it was an old door from the library that got knocked down. The next day he goes to feed the dog and the door had moved to the middle of the paddock, It was facing the other direction he left it alone and went back inside but he felt a bit weird he said to himself, “What is wrong with this door”. The next day the door moves again he wants to walk in but he gets a weird feeling but he fights the urge and walks over to the door, which is now behind the garage his cold shaking hand was now slowly creeping toward the door but he hesitates and hears a big scream from the door he knows he has to go inside?   

1 comment:

  1. kia ora callum.brayden from yaldhurst school.
    I loved this because you made it with a spine chilling story it made me get goosebumps and my spine chilling.
    You brought me back to when I hade my first halloween it was very spooky.How come you did it about a door.
    kind regards
    brayden yaldhurst school


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