Friday 8 September 2017

Numeracy Reflection W7

This is my word problems slide and we had to show our working out here is mine.

Literacy Reflection W7T3

This week for literacy We did a Explanation on a Galaxiid life cycle here is mine
What is the Life cycle of the Galaxiid

Whitebait is a word used to name the juvenile forms of five species of a New Zealand native fish called Galaxiid.  One of the species are called Inagua and this is what the life cycle is about

The whitebait lay there eggs in vegetation in the. Estuary in the spring tides when it becomes high tide. They break out of the eggs and become larvae.
They are very small smaller than whitebait and their threat are fish and bigger creatures like humans.

The larvae move into the sea and live there for about three or four months. and when they're ready they leave to the sea. And become whitebait.
white baits threats are the same as larvae and the white bait become bigger as they grow

They become whitebait by moving back to the place. They were born the Estuary  and live there as for 2 months. Then move to the freshwater.

When They move to the freshwater they become Inuga and live there for 1 month and  move down to The Estuary And lay their eggs in the vegetation and the life cycle starts again.

That's the life cycle of the Galaxiid. And I hope you now know how the life cycle works.

By Callum
This is my Connectives slide

We also did a Info grid about endangered animals I did whitebait a Red Panda and  a Fossa and here it is

Endangered Creature Info Grid

Creature 1:
Creature 2:
Red panda
Creature 3:
Why are they endangered?

Because every time it is september it is whitebait season,  and are caught.  Being trampled by cattle when they are eggs,  Pollution in the water from cows.  Being eaten by bigger fish at sea and in the rivers.

Because of hunters.  Cutting down of their food source, and habitat for farming and housing.
Because of habitat loss due to sapphire mining,  and housing.   Also the rapid decrease of lemurs which is its main food source.
What is their natural habitat?
Oceans ,rivers  and estuaries

The trees of the forest around the Eastern Himalayas.
The jungles of Madagascar.  
What do they eat?
They eat zooplankton and algae and smaller insects such as flies, midges and moths.

They are herbivores, so they  eat leaves
They eat meat, mainly Lemur.
Interesting or unique behaviour traits.
They swim in schools up the river.   They migrate from sea to fresh water.  They are native to New Zealand.
They are not as big as the normal panda.  Very acrobatic and live in trees.
The name panda came from ponya
They can jump really high.  They are the largest Carnivore animal of Madagascar.  They live solitary lives,  so not in pacts.
Key features (description)
They are very small.   Silvery white with black lines and spots
They are a maroon color,   slightly bigger than a domestic cat.
There fur is red brown or black,  they are a dog looking face, but their bodies look like a cat.
How can we help them.
By not having a whitebait season or restricting the fishing.  Fencing the waterways,  Stopping of pollution of our waterways.
By not hunting them .   We could create a reserve for them to be safe.   Or replant forest and food sources.
By not cutting down trees.  Making a reserve on Madagascar where lemurs and Fossa’s are safe.

Friday 1 September 2017

literacy Reflection Week 6

This week for liteacy we did a diagram here is mine

We also did a diagram here is mine