Friday, 1 November 2019


Image result for futsal
This year I started playing Futsal every Monday and Thursday. If you dont know what it is, it's indoor football. The court/field is very small so you have to play fast and pass a lot, if you dont pass you won't score. The goals are quite small as well so you have to place the ball not hit it hard. The teams are 5 on 5 so not many people on the court but when you play its hard to get past people.  You don't have to wear shin pads but you can if you want. I play futsal in the civic centre and it's lots of fun.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Callum, my name is Abby and I am a year 7 student at Yaldhurst Model School. This sport looks interesting.

    I like the way you have a picture of someone playing that sport so we know a bit more before reading the text.

    This reminds me of when we have people coming to our school to show us how to play some sports.

    Next time you could make a diagram of how to play so we could see the court or field and where the players go.

    How many times has your team won?

    Kind regards,


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.